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Tread Perilously – ‘Night Court: A Day in the Life’

Tread Perilously is a podcast in which hosts Erik Amaya and author Justin Robinson watch the “worst” episodes of popular TV shows, attempting to determine if they would continue to watch the series based on the most off-key moments.

This Week: Night Court‘s “A Day in the Life”

Tread Perilously‘s month of treading safely concludes with a top episode of Night Court: “A Day in the Life.”

When Judge Harry Stone’s courtroom is called upon to adjudicate 200 cases before midnight, Dan’s salacious plans are threatened. Will he, Christine, Harry, Mac, Roz, and Bull survive an onslaught of would-be gods, dueling Moses-es, amateur magicians, irate Nielsen families, and Barry Manilow? Will NBC boss Brandon Tartikoff be called upon as a character witness? And will Dan get to score with his recurring, um, “sex interest” in her van before she drives away to California forever? Also, will slow talking prove to be the most important form of comedy ever devised?

Justin once again reveals his mother let him watch Night Court as a child, which hits differently after this episode. He also explains the show doesn’t really coalesce until season 4. Erik defends visiting New York, but can’t imagine living there. Justin warns people off watching any season 9 episode of Night Court. John Larroquette once again proved to be the MVP even if his character is kind of a sex pest. Markie Post’s unfortunate 1980s style gets critiqued as Erik recalls the “Shoulderpads Arms Race.” Justin chooses a new search engine, and surprise discussions about Twin Peaks and Sarah Douglas occur.

Be sure to subscribe to Tread Perilously on Apple Podcasts and follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@TreadPerilously)!




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