Covering the week of 8/26/2013, the Fanboy Comics staff reviews the top geek stories from the popular, daily e-newsletter, The Fanboy Scoop.
In this episode, we discuss Joss Whedon’s thoughts on The Temple of Doom, Firefly‘s return to Dark Horse Comics, the possibility that warp drive is really possible, popular culture’s excitement over the Bechdel Test, and the reason(s) that live-action fantasy fails at the box office.
*SPECIAL NOTE: Fanboy Comics is now on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe on iTunes to the new Fanboy Comics Network in order to continue receiving the latest podcasts and interviews.
Cast members: Kristine Chester, Drew Siragusa, and Barbra Dillon
Special guests: Matt and John Yuan (a.k.a. The Yuan Twins of Arrested Development, Declan and Chang, Cool Cats Comics)
“Whedon vs. Lucas: Episode II” Skit Written by: Bryant Dillon
The Fanboy Scoop – Week in Review Theme Song Written and Performed by: Adam WarRock
The Fanboy Scoop – Week in Review Theme Song Produced by: Mikal kHill
Featuring: “Nerrd Lines” by Adam WarRock and Chris Hayley
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