In this special podcast leading up to the 100th episode, the Fanboy Comics staff looks back at the past three years of The Fanboy Scoop – Week in Review podcast, remembering their favorite moments and discussing what they look forward to in the next 100 episodes.
*SPECIAL NOTES: Fanboy Comics is now on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe on iTunes to the new Fanboy Comics Network in order to continue receiving the latest podcasts and interviews.
Cast members: Bryant Dillon, Sam Rhodes, Drew Siragusa, Kristine Chester, Ellen Tremiti, and Barbra Dillon
The Fanboy Scoop – Week In Review Theme Song Written and Performed by: Adam WarRock
The Fanboy Scoop – Week In Review Theme Song Produced by: Mikal kHill
EXCITING NEWS: You can hear now hear The Fanboy Scoop – Week In Review Season 3 on Krypton Radio every Monday at 7:00 p.m./PST and every Saturday at 2:00 p.m.!
You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or click here to download!