In The Fanbase Weekly, the Fanbase Press staff and a host of special guests from across the pop culture spectrum discuss the top geek stories of the week.
In this episode, the Fanbase Press staff welcomes guests Jonathan Latt (The Geek) and Kingslee Purcell (The Rolex) to discuss the latest geek news stories of the week, including Lucasfilm’s plans for cinematic development, DC Comics reminding readers that Superman is a refugee, the future of Star Trek, and the World Health Organization’s announcement on “gaming disorder.”
Cast members: Bryant Dillon, Claire Thorne, Drew Siragusa, and Barbra Dillon
Special guests: Jonathan Latt (The Geek) and Kingslee Purcell (The Rolex)
21:48 – (THR) Lucasfiilm “Licking Their Wounds” But Not Halting STAR WARS Development
36:55 – ( DC Comics Reminds the World That Superman Is a Refugee
45:39 – (Film School Rejects) The Future of STAR TREK
59:24 – (The Mary Sue) World Health Organization Calls “Gaming Disorder” a Mental Health Issue
The Fanbase Weekly Theme Song Written and Performed by: Adam WarRock
The Fanbase Weekly Theme Song Produced by: Mikal kHill
Episode Photo by: Sean Foster
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