As a special feature of The Fanbase Weekly podcast, the Fanbase Feature focuses on and celebrates a specific element of geek culture.
In this Fanbase Feature, Fanbase Press co-founder Barbra Dillon interviews award-winning cartoonist (writer – Coin-Op Carnival) and professor of Comics Studies at Michigan State University Ryan Claytor about his new Kickstarter comic, A Hunter’s Tale, the inspiration behind adapting the poem by his late grandfather (Charles Kermit Claytor), the incredible backer rewards available to supporters, and more. As an added bonus, we also discuss Ryan’s incredible talents in pancake design which you can find below!
Interested in lending your support to Ryan’s Kickstarter campaign? Check out the campaign here!

Cast members: Ryan Claytor (professor of Comics Studies at Michigan State University / writer – Coin-Op Carnival) and Barbra Dillon (Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief)
This month’s sponsor: This episode of The Fanbase Weekly Podcast is sponsored by the Dice Tower Theatre, an audio fiction podcast which offers a dramatic retelling of the events of their ongoing roleplaying game. With a full cast, score, and sound design, listeners get an even more immersive experience. Follow the story now as they enter the city of fire looking for something, or someone, to stop the growing power of the dark dragon army and its undead legions. The next episode launches on January 16th. For more information, visit or on Twitter (@dicetowrtheatre) and Instagram/Facebook/Twitch (@dicetowertheatre).
The Fanbase Weekly Theme Song Written and Performed by: Adam WarRock
The Fanbase Weekly Theme Song Produced by: Mikal kHill
Episode Photo by: Bryant Dillon
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