The Arkham Sessions, hosted by Dr. Andrea Letamendi and Brian Ward, is a weekly podcast dedicated to the psychological analysis of pop culture, including Batman: The Animated Series, Steven Universe, and Doom Patrol. Nostalgic, humorous, and even a little educational, each episode promises to lend some insight into the heroes, villains, and classic stories of the Dark Knight and more!
The Arkham Sessions, Ep. 156 – Steven Universe 6-15
Drea and Brian discuss the importance of belongingness as it relates to our identity development, pointing out that even when we experience the rejection of a part of ourselves (personality traits, preferences, lifestyle), we are robbed of our dignity, humanity, and wholeness. Their discussion is about accepting one another and not selectively appreciating only the parts we are comfortable with.
This episode starts with a message about the increasing violence and hate speech against Asian American and Pacific Islander individuals in our community and in response to the senseless murders of eight people, including six Asian Women, in Atlanta, GA, on March 16, 2021.
Asian Allyship and Mental Health Resources mentioned:
National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association
Asian Mental Health Collective
Stop AAPI Hate:
Have psychology-related questions about Batman? Write to us via Twitter, @ArkhamSessions, or on Facebook. Or visit our official website.
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