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It’s been said for awhile now that the end is fast approaching for both the gods inside The Wicked + The Divine and the book itself, but with only two issues remaining, this has never been more true. As the final battle with Minerva and the revelations of the previous issues come to a head, there is a lot to unpack right now. Laura and the other gods have banded together and set themselves up for their final confrontation. All there is left to do now is save the world and potentially kill themselves in the process.

This issue was one of the more interesting ones in terms of what happened and what was truly said inside the series. Without revealing too much, there was a point in the issue where I truly had a moment of revelation about a central theme throughout this series that I never truly understood. It had been there the whole time, with many mentions and metaphors, and now they directed it to the forefront.

This has been a complex, winding series that has explored so much is just a few years, a testament to how the series has gained so much notoriety over the course of its run. Now, with the series taking its final bows, it will be incredible to see what they do in their final two issues.

I unabashedly think this is one of the best ongoing series of the creator-owned boom. There is so much to love about it, and so much that it gives us to think about. Now that we get to reap the benefits of this as a complete work, it’s bittersweet.

Kieron Gillen, for all of his puns, silliness, and pop culture proficiency, can really write a great story. The ability to have things come together as they have is an incredible achievement, and his heartfelt words in the epilogue of this issue might explain it best: The idea of knowing what’s to come, having it all written, planned out, and likely ready for release into the world, and having to keep it hidden until the right moment arrives to unleash it on the world. To meet others who love the story just as much as those who created it, to know the effect it had on all parties and to know that it’s only going to amplify as we cross the finish line.

Jamie McKelvie is an incredible artist, and one who has been in the top tier of creators for a long time. As this series has become what it is, his star has risen and his work has been lauded as is deserved. Now that we’re near the end, he will get a much-deserved break, something that I’m sure is needed after such a grand undertaking.

It’s been five years that we’ve watched these characters living out their two years in power before their inevitable demise. Soon, we will know what it all means, what happens to them, and what the true consequences are. This issue revealed many of those answers, and with this month’s cliffhanger, more are sure to pop up.

Russ Pirozek, Fanbase Press Contributor


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