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3 Comics You Can’t Miss! 5/30/12 Advance Comic Reviews

Batman AnnualFanboy Comics Contributor Jason Enright brings you his top comic book picks for the week.



Batman Annual #1
by Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, and Jason Fabok

So, Scott Snyder’s Batman is one of the best new 52 books, but it’s tough because there are 9 issues to get caught up on, and they are always selling out. How is someone supposed to read this awesome book without knowing all of the continuity? If only DC would write a single-issue, stand-alone story, so that everyone, new readers and old, could enjoy the sweet delight of Scott Snyder’s Batman. Oh wait, what’s this? A Batman Annual? A single-issue, stand-alone story by Scott Snyder! Holy well-timed coincidences, Batman!  Yes, that’s right, folks. This Wednesday, run – don’t walk – to your comics shop, and pick up the Batman Annual for 38 pages of Batmania. Even better, this is a Mr. Freeze story, and this is one of the best Mr. Freeze stories since Paul Dini’s “Heart of Ice” in Batman: The Animated Series. This Freeze is cold, cruel, and super crazy.

New Mutants #43
by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Carmine Di Giandomenico, and Andy Troy

So, I’m kind of cheating a little bit here. I know it’s supposed to be 3 comics you can’t miss, but this issue is actually part 5 of a bigger arc called Exiled, and I am going to suggest you read it all. If you just get this final issue, don’t worry; there’s a handy recap page at the beginning, but really you should read the whole thing. Exiled is a very fun story where the new mutants get caught up with a group of Asgardians who are exiled to Earth. It has laughs, fights, hunky mechanics, hungry Valkyries, angry Gods, and a marriage proposal. Plus, the art throughout is just beautiful. If you like your comics to be silly, over the top, and adventurous, then New Mutants is the book for you. Even better, if you want 5 times that all at once, then read the whole 5 issue Exiled arc.

Star Trek Ongoing #9
by Mike Johnson and Stephen Molnar

So, in case you don’t know, the basic idea behind Mike Johnson and Stephen Molnar’s Star Trek book is to take the new crew from the Star Trek reboot movie and put them into situations the original crew faced in the original series. Every two-issue storyline is a retelling of an original episode and it’s brilliant. I’m not even a fan of the original series; I grew up with Picard and The Next Generation, and still this book is fascinating. Johnson has done an incredible job, not only adapting the original episodes, but in capturing the new crew’s voices and personalities. Even better, Molnar captures the likenesses of the cast without being photo-realistic or losing the feel of comic book. This issue has a great action sequence where he really shows his skill. Whether you are a Trekkie or not, you should read this book, because it’s just a great comic.


Jason Enright, Fanbase Press Senior Contributor


  Favorite Superhero: Cyclops Favorite Animal: Anklyosaurus Favorite Game: Pathfinder RPG


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