Judge Dredd has been around for 42 years. He has been the source of endless books and comics and two feature films. So, if you’re going to take on a character with that level of pedigree and history, you’d better do it right. Writer Paul Jenkins and artist Marco Castiello got it right.
Whether you’re a fan of the character or have been living underground for the last four decades, you will appreciate this book and this series. Paul Jenkins’ writing is fast paced and delivers a build up, a climax, and a brilliantly thought out denouement that is often missing in today’s comics. To me, the book hearkens back to the Silver Age of comics, wherein stories where turnkey narratives that stood on their own with very little introduction to the previous episodes that got us to where we are. It truly reads like a throwback comic to one of the better eras of the medium.
Castiello’s art is kinetic and gritty at the same time. He professionally delivers visual energy though excellent craftsmanship and technically accurate perspective. Each panel is fresh, well conceived, and benefits from fluid use of different camera angles. This is very high-level artwork that is completely in sync with the pace of the narrative.
I thoroughly enjoyed Judge Dredd #4. Although I did not read issues #1-3, #4 was so well crafted that you don’t need to know the details of that backstory to enjoy the current state of the book. If you are not a Judge Dredd acolyte, you will like it, and if you are a Judge Dredd fan, you will love it.
Overview: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Creative Team: Paul Jenkins (Writer), Marco Castiello (Artist)
Publisher: IDW Publishing
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