If I had the patience to put together a “Best of” List for 2018, Black Hammer would be on it and it would include this mini-series, The Quantum Age, as well. Normally, mini-series that split off from a main book are there simply to capitalize on the popularity of the main title, but The Quantum Age provides an end to stories that we don’t even know how they end exactly. This six-part series isn’t just a fun, little side adventure, but a necessity when talking about the Black Hammer universe.
This story takes place in the future of Black Hammer, following, in some cases, the descendants of the Black Hammer characters as they come up against an unstoppable villain who is hell bent on destroying all forms of alien life – complete and total eradication. As with the main series, writer Jeff Lemire isn’t interested in hitting a checklist of tropes and story beats. He’s more interested in exploring who the characters are, but even the most contemporary superhero comic book can do that. What puts The Quantum Age and Black Hammer in a place of their own is that heroes aren’t going to be able to solve every problem, especially head on. They just can’t. These heroes are humans first.
Artist Wilfredo Torres has a sort of Golden Age style that he brings to the series which thematically makes sense in the end. Dave Stewart (one of the best creators working in comics today) matches that tone with his color techniques, and, of course, Daniel Chabon has helped to shepherd some of the best comic book series that I’ve ever read onto shelves in the past few years.
Because this Black Hammer universe is a world that seemingly wraps in on itself, where time is truly a construct of the imagination, and the use of the idea of “story” is incredibly self-aware, when all is said and done, it will be a trip to start from the beginning again. I’d say don’t wait that long. Jump in now. Experience this journey. It’s worth it.
Creative Team: Jeff Lemire (writer), Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston (creators), Wilfredo Torres (art), Dave Stewart (colors), Nate Piekos of Blambot (letters), Ethan Kimberling (designer), Daniel Chabon (editor), Brett Israel (assistant editor)
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
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