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This all-ages fantasy adventure from Derek Laufman originally began as an internet comic following the exploits of Rex (a fox warrior) and Pogo (a pig that, well, isn’t much of an adventurer, but he sure wants to be)! Like the classic comedic duos of the past, they are at each other’s throats from page one – a straight man and the clown. Pogo, of course, creates more problems than he helps to solve, and Rex is left trying to pick up the pieces. On the other hand, Pogo has a good heart, and Rex is perhaps a bit too cynical for his own good. It’s a smart pairing, and Laufman uses the characters’ quirks to drive the story forward.

The kickstart to the story is the discovery of a treasure map. Rex and Pogo, of course, are going to set off to find whatever is hidden. Now, the first half of the book is dedicated to Rex and Pogo’s introductions, but about halfway through a third character is introduced (a bug), and he brings further complications and an even greater dynamic to the story. He’s neither a good guy nor a bad guy, and it’s nice to see, even in what is ostensibly a children’s story, a complex, character-driven story thread that expands the world and the situations our heroes find themselves in.

It’s a really fun fantasy book with absolutely charming characters. If you have a kid that loves fantasy, this is a nice addition to your library. It’s easy to follow, the situations are never really scary, and these characters have room to grow and develop. I look forward to seeing where this is going to go in issue two.

Creative Team: Derek Laufman (creator, writer, illustrator), Warren Montgomery (letters), Whitney Leopard (editor), Sophie Philips-Roberts (assistant editor), Marie Krupina (designer)
Publisher: KaBOOM!
Click here to purchase.

Phillip Kelly, Fanbase Press Contributor


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