It was 25 years ago that Harley Quinn made her first appearance in Batman: The Animated Series (episode “Joker’s Favor” which aired September 1992). Created by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm, the role was originally conceptualized as a walk-on bit part, but then, Harley Quinn emerged as a sidekick and love interest to the Joker. The following year, she appeared in The Batman Adventures #12 comic book, but it was the 1994 graphic novel, The Batman Adventures: Mad Love, by Dini and Timm that provided Harley Quinn’s origin story – Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel, Joker’s psychologist at Arkham Asylum.
Harley Quinn has shown herself to be a complex character and much more developed than the usual sidekick or love interest. She has crossed the boundaries of her professional oath and has been described has having a dependent personality disorder. Over the years and the myriad of stories that have featured Harley – comics, television, film, video games, etc. – her values have swung back and forth across the morality spectrum. To match her multi-faceted psyche, her physical appearance has changed radically over the years, as well.
Saturday, September 23, has been designated as Harley Quinn Day by DC Comics to mark the occasion of her first appearance 25 years ago. In honor of this captivating character in the Batman universe, a group of Fanbase Press writers and guest contributors have delved into Harley’s past, to answer “Who is Harley?” based on the various narratives offered by the many mediums over the years, as well as “Which roads has she traveled? and the critical “What if?” question, resulting in a speculative journey of what Harley’s path might have been sans Joker.
Harley Quinn, Independent Woman: Saving Lives and Having Fun Puddin’-Free by Erica McCrystal
Harley’s Vengeance – Video Game Depictions of the Maid of Mischief from 1994-2002 by Nicholas Diak
Where Would Harley Quinn Be Without The Joker? by Travis Lakata
Playing with Harley: A Guide to Harley Quinn’s Character in Video Games (Part 1) by Carl Wilson
Playing with Harley: A Guide to Harley Quinn’s Character in Video Games (Part 2) by Carl Wilson
Enjoy this editorial series, and if you want to read more, please check out Fanbase Press’ YouTube channel for interviews with Harley Quinn actors and creators!