Should Youngblood come back? Does this team deserve to be rejuvenated with new members? This is the major idea behind Youngblood #2, and it doesn’t appear to be an easily answered question from past members and soon-to-be new ones, too.
Writer Chad Bowers continues Issue #2 for Image Comics, immediately after the events in Issue #1 in which you see the new Youngblood fighting against a villain using a swarm of birds that causes them to fall under hypnosis. Although former member Shaft comes to their rescue, they are still under a spell, making them see their rescuer as a demonic being with multiple arms and tentacles protruding everywhere. Shaft fires a counteragent, surrounding the area in gas, and must rely on his long-buried skills (since he’s been in prison) to keep himself alive.
New recruit Dolante highlights the cover image of this comic book, and artist Jim Towe zooms in on him while he’s lost under a spell. The background color from left to right starts with a wonderful mix of purple and pink hues, while slowly moving over to a blindingly white energy blast emitting from Dolante’s suit. This pulse of light, rimmed in yellowish-orange, also matches the color of his possessed eyes. Surrounding him, traces of electrical output surround the air, adding to the overall intensity of the image. Throughout this chapter, Towe and colorist Juan Manuel Rodriguez highlight characters’ speed and power with dramatic lines and explosive fight scenes. Rodriguez uses plenty of bold colors to help the new team standout – red, purple, orange, and bluish-white to name a few.
One of the main characters, Gunner, enlists Dolante’s help to find her missing friend and hero “Man-Up,” because the police and internet haven’t found any leads. Gunner wants to form a new Youngblood to gain the attention associated with the infamous name, and then use that attention to spread the word about her missing friend. It’s a fine plan, but as you find out during the second chapter, not everyone wants to see a new version of what’s meant to be a “cautionary tale” of how not to be a superhero team.
In addition to having a new team, and a former member who’s against it, Badrock plays secret keeper as he deals with a simple fact: He is going to die, and it’s seemingly going to happen in the very near future. How will Shaft react when these secrets come out? It’s safe to say you’ll need to check out the next chapter to find out.
Youngblood #2 is now available in print and digital form.