After losing his students and mentor to the Devil Marauders in The Hawk of New York #3, Eric descends into a darkness that can only be appeased by vengeance on those responsible for his pain. Doc, the homeless man who saved him from death, tries to show him the error of his choices by appealing to Eric’s Native American side, but the point has been reached where nothing can pull the young man back from violence and destruction. He’s not the only one closing in on the Devil Marauders though, so he may have to move fast to get the revenge he craves.
Eric’s deep attachment to those he lets in proves to be the spark that sets his vigilante path ablaze the fourth issue of The Hawk of New York. Blinded by pain and rage, he refuses to see any way to honor his lost loved ones besides raining death and destruction on their attackers. It’s a dark, grim turn for the lost soul searching for a place to belong. The inclusion of a Native American tale about a buffalo woman, whether traditional or created for this story, provided a lighter note to the sad spiral of Eric’s choices, but it definitely served as a cautionary tale and teaching tool rather than pure entertainment.
The cover for The Hawk of New York #4 is one of the most stunningly beautiful, albeit slightly cheesecakey, ones centered on a female subject, and the interior artwork continues to develop as the story continues. The attention to small details really adds depth to each panel, and I love the work put into the eyes of many characters.
Series creator Randyl Bishop kindly provided a link to “Black Elk Speaks” by The Littlest Birds, a song that will be featured on the upcoming soundtrack. It’s a lovely piece meant to accompany the buffalo woman section of the comic. I found it hard to listen to a new song and try to read new material at the same time. If you’re like me, try listening to the song by itself first, read the story alone, and then experience them together. They complement each other quite well, but it can be hard to listen to the song’s story while reading the words at the same time, if you aren’t already familiar with the material.
Overall, Eric’s spiral into rage and self-destructive revenge saddened me, but I hope he will find a more fruitful path as his story continues. He is coming from a kind place, but his behavior shows the barely leashed anger from his teen years still lives inside. The new twist to the Devil Marauders promises high intrigue, as well, and I look forward to finding out how it will put a wrench into Eric’s plans and maybe force him to find a higher purpose than vengeance.
4.5 Garages Full of Motorcycles out of 5