A little over a year ago, I reviewed the first episode of a time travel webseries called Pike and Trident. A few months before that, I had the pleasure of interviewing the women behind the series, Kim Turney and Patty Jean Robinson. Well, now they’re back and hoping to bring us more time travel adventures with their second episode, “Josephine Gets Her Way.”
The Josephine in question is none other than Josephine Bonaparte, wife of Napoleon. How does she get her way? Well, I don’t know yet. We have to fund the episode first, and then we’ll find out.
What we do know is that Kim and Patty have a lot of fun things planned for episode two. There are elaborate period costumes designed by Olivia Schlueter-Corey (who will also play Josephine), as well as period fight sequences choreographed by Jan Bryant of the Academy of Theatrical Combat.
They’re hoping to raise $4,000 to make the project a reality and have some pretty awesome perks to offer, as well. You can get a copy of the soundtrack, a behind-the-scenes video, or even a duel fought in your name. My personal favorite perk is the $25 level, wherein you can receive a video mission from Pike and Trident’s boss, Dr. Narsil (Anne Westcott), to help our heroes with a time travel adventure.
I love sword fights. I love stories with strong female protagonists. And, if you know me at all, you’ll know that I absolutely love time travel. Because of all those things, I really believe in this project and want to see it succeed. If you feel as I do or just want to support some cool content creators, you can donate to the project here. You can also “Like” them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. Or, as Pike and Trident would say . . . Join the Mayhem!