You know those moments when you say something knowing that, as you say it, there’s a much better way of actually approaching the situation, but for whatever reason, you reach down to the part of you that is most afraid, terrified actually, of making the right choice and you doom yourself anyway. And then, you crumble because that may have been it. You just keep pushing away the things you love.
The reason why these moments work so well in Buccellato and Infante’s Sons of the Devil is because they’ve masterfully interwoven the personal stories of the characters along with the genre elements that are closing in on them. One motivates the other, twisting and turning around with logic and emotional resonance. There were a couple times reading issue #5, which brought the first story arc to a close, in which I could feel my heart being squeezed. Although the unreal is developing, there are many things very real at work here.
As a matter of construction, the team breaks away from the structure of the last several issues and leaves us focused more on the characters as opposed to the genre-induced cliffhangers in the final panels, which gives the experience as a whole a little more resonance. That could also very well be a symptom of a story naturally becoming more dynamic. Either way, this issue is a knock out, and I’m very anxious because there won’t be another issue until next March.
So, what does that mean for you, if you haven’t been following this character-driven story about the possible son of a cult leader who may have ties directly to something completely unnatural an unholy? The graphic novel comes out in November. Add it to your list; you won’t regret it. Find the individual issues. There are only five, it’s not that difficult, and buy them! You’ll experience Buccellato’s sincerity as a writer – there are no tricks or gimmicks at play here. You’ll love every panel of Infante’s cinematic art – it’s like Roman Polanski is framing every angle.
Not only one of the best horror titles out there, but one of the best titles.