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The following is an interview with writer Mark Bertolini regarding the recent launch of a Zoop crowdfunding campaign for the collected edition of the comic book series, Breakneck. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Bertolini about his shared creative process in working with artist James Boulton to bring the world and characters to life on the page, the incredible backer rewards that will be available to readers, and more!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Congratulations on the launch of your Zoop crowdfunding campaign for the collected edition of Breakneck! As you look ahead to the combined collection, what has been your experience in revisiting your work (alongside artist James Boulton) on the series?

Mark Bertolini: Thanks very much! Breakneck was my first-ever published work, so it’s always had a place in my heart, but going back over the work now, I realize how much fun I had writing it, and clearly how much fun James had illustrating it! I think we really made something special here, which is why I’m so eager to get the book into the hands of new readers.

BD: In looking back at the development and creation of the series, what can you share with us about your creative process in working with Boulton that really made this series unique to your body of work?

MB: This was very early on in my comic book writing “career,” so really, I just wrote the scripts and handed them off to James for him to interpret, whereas these days I will work closely with an artist to tailor scripts to them, to their specific strengths. But with Breakneck, I was still pretty green, but James absolutely took what I wrote and turned it up to 11. Also, re-reading the series now, I still laugh at all the same goofball jokes that I laughed at 10 years ago when I wrote it.

BD: What do you feel that crowdfunding platforms like Zoop offer to creators in being able to share their story to readers?

MB: It’s the direct contact with backers/readers that is the most exciting thing to me. You’re right on the ground floor of the creation of something new, which has always been exciting to me. I love Zoop’s setup – a crowdfunding platform specifically for comics, that’s a great niche to be in, because I think sometimes comics can get lost in the noise of crowdfunding, so a place designed only for comic is a great idea.

BD: Are there any specific backer rewards that you’re most excited about with the campaign and wish to share with readers?

MB: Really, the highlight of the campaign is the hardcover. It has all the previously published issues (issue 1-4) plus the never-before-seen issue 5 PLUS two additional Breakneck short stories that just help to flesh out the world of Breakneck. There are retailer bundles, options to pick up some of my older work, and some Zoom video chats to talk about making comics and anything else you want!

BD: Are there any other projects that you would like to highlight for our readers?

MB: I have a graphic novella coming out later this year/early next year called Nothing Makes Sense from publisher New Friday. It’s a bit of a departure from my normal work, I’ve been describing it as a “slice-of-life crime story,” and I’m excited about that one. My Scout book, Strange Case, is still coming along (waiting on me to finish, actually), but that hopefully will hit next year, as well. And there’s always a bunch of pitches in the queue and sitting with publishers.

BD: Lastly, what would you like to tell fans who want to learn more about Breakneck?

MB: Breakneck is very near and dear to my heart, so I hope people want to check it out, that people want to dive into a fun world of heroes and villains and a slacker wannabe villain who’s just trying to keep his head above water. You can learn more about Breakneck on my various social media:

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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