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The following is an interview with writer Todd Black regarding the recent Kickstarter campaign launch for the graphic novel, Take the House. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Black about his shared creative process in working with artist/letterer Alex Garcia and editor Katie Schmidt to bring the story to life on the page, what he hopes that readers may take away from the story, and more!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Congratulations on the recent launch of your graphic novel through Kickstarter! For those who may be unfamiliar, what can you tell us about the story’s premise?

Todd Black: Take The House is about two teams of thieves that decide to rob the same place at the same time to see who can get the most loot out. It’s done very much in the style of Ocean’s 11 & 13, where it’s all about the planning, execution, and the twists that come along with trying to get out alive and with a lot of money.

BD: How would you describe your shared creative process in bringing this story to life alongside artist/letterer Alex Garcia and editor Katie Schmidt, and what (or who) were some of your creative influences in terms of the characters and tone?

TB: As I noted, this story is a kind of tribute to Ocean’s 11 & 13 (We don’t speak of the even numbered ones!!!), and so I came up with the premise while watching them and thinking, “How could I make this mine own? That’s where I thought of the “Rivals Job” concept. What if, instead of one team going after the loot, it was two? What would that change, and how could I have fun with it? I took off from there.

With the characters, I loved the idea that Danny and Rusty just brought in “people they knew could get the job done,” so I did the same thing and made the main characters myself and my cousin Michael, then asked other people if they wanted to be in my heist crew. Everyone on the left side of the main cover is a person I personally know, and that’s pretty cool.

The visuals were arguably the most difficult thing to lock down, as I wanted this comic to pop in ways that no other comic I’d seen before do. Alex and I took inspiration from Persona 5 Royal in how they made certain tones pop, and so that’s where the idea of having grey-out skin tones and then the character’s clothes would be where you would see the colors. It’s a really cool look.

As for Katie, she helped me make sure my heist plan made sense and that there weren’t any plot holes. You have to be in “big brain mode” when you’re doing a story like this, because it has to flow a certain way and yet make sense at the end. She helped keep me on track with that.

BD: At Fanbase Press, our #StoriesMatter initiative endeavors to highlight the impact that stories can have on audiences of various mediums. How do you feel that Take the House’s story may connect with and impact readers?

TB: Two ways. First, there aren’t that many people doing thieves/heist Kickstarter stories. I was even told that it would be very hard to get traction on it through Kickstarter because people aren’t “looking for that.” So, my first impact is hopefully showing that it shouldn’t matter what genre you want to make a story in. If you want to make a story, whether it’s a comic, novel, or something in between, go and make it! Believe in your story and get it done. It took me a couple years to get Take The House made, but I’m thrilled with how it turned out.

The second way is that I hope it inspires people, both writers and artists, to not be afraid to push the norms. In the case of Take The House, it’s a 92-page graphic novel with very unique visuals and a cast of actual people…just in “Variant” form. Most people wouldn’t want to do that, and instead do stories with “aesthetically pleasing” characters. I wanted to have fun and honor the people in my life, so that’s why they’re all the main characters. So never be afraid to have fun and be bold!

BD: Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter have provided a wonderful opportunity for creators of all mediums to reach new audiences. What encouraged you to utilize Kickstarter for the graphic novel?

TB: Well, at the time of our talk, I’ve done 14 successful Kickstarters across three different series, with Take The House being the 4th series of mine on the platform. I’ve built a reputation of getting books made and shipped out on time and keeping people apprised of everything going on with the book.

I really do like Kickstarter, and I’m always learning through it with each campaign that I do.

BD: Are there any specific backer rewards that you would like to highlight for readers?

TB: Yes! My personal favorite rewards are ones that feature people getting drawn into the comic. We have two tiers that do that. The first tier is a simple “cameo” tier where they’ll get drawn into a single panel.

BUT, the second tier is getting the chance to be a part of one of the heist crews! If they pledge there, they’ll not only be on the cover, but be in multiple pages in the back half of the book as the heist goes down. So they’re not just “in the book,” they’re technically a main character! Presently, there are only FIVE SLOTS LEFT for that reward. So, if anyone is interested, you better hurry!

BD: Are there any other upcoming projects on which you are working that you are able to share with our readers?

TB: Oh, I’m always working on something. Lol. Currently, I’m working on the second novel in my “As We Wander The Stars” spacefaring series. Book One is available on the KS via the add-on rewards. So, if you’re a fan of Star Trek, Babylon 5, etc., you’ll want to put that on your purchase!

I’m also slowly working to get my next comic series started, which will be a 4-part mystery miniseries. I’ll definitely be putting that one on Kickstarter, as well.

BD: Lastly, what would you like to tell fans who want to learn more about Take the House?

TB: Well, if you have questions, you can ask via the “comments” section of the Kickstarter. Or, if you want a more immediate answer, feel free to message me on Twitter via the handle @Guardians_Comic.

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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