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When we last left the mermaid and her sidekick Lottie, the axolotl was about to be eaten by a rapacious angler fish with wings/arms. The mermaid is quick to show her claws and attack the beast before Lottie is eaten. But the fight isn’t over yet.

Rushing to her H.A.V.C. (Hybrid Aquatic Vehicular Chamber) unit, she almost makes it before the creature is on her again. Finally, eluding the predator, she makes it back inside the unit and flees. Once outside the water cave, the mermaid takes a breather, thinking they are safe. She couldn’t be more wrong. The beast is amphibious. As it begins to tear the H.A.V.C. unit apart, a land dweller joins the fight, saving the mermaid and Lottie. At first, it looks like he has the upper hand, but that quickly changes. The mermaid is just about to leave her savior to his fate when she makes the decision to go back and help him.

In issue four, the mermaid and the land dweller join forces to defeat the creature, though it isn’t easy even with the two of them. Afterwards, he graciously repairs her H.A.V.C. unit then prepares to leave, but the mermaid has a question: Has he ever seen a giant silver trident impaling the sun? For she was once told that if she found it, it would lead her home. To her surprise, he says yes and with some hesitation, he agrees to show her where it is. Now begins the long and dangerous journey through mutant country to find her way home.

Once again, the action sequences are spare, but terrific. The mermaid is faced with a moral decision which she passes. It was a good character choice as otherwise we would have lost any sympathy for her. It’s also taken a bit of time, but we’ve finally discovered the mermaid’s purpose, but not why she’s wandering out in the wasteland alone. Are her people dead? How did she build the H.A.V.C. unit or did someone else? And it was a tad convenient that this new character knew exactly what she was talking about. I have many questions about this Disney-esque dystopian world, but I like it. This story is ultimately about friendship and trust. It will be interesting to see where it leads us.

By the way, Mr. Kim is still on a quest to find a name for his letters column. He is open to suggestions.

Creative Team: Derek Kirk Kim (writer/artist)
Publisher: Image Comics
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Madeleine Holly-Rosing, Fanbase Press Contributor


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