Keep your head up.
Jorge Corona keeps the pedal to the floor in the penultimate issue of his wonderful Feathers series. Having returned Bianca to the City only to be booted out unceremoniously, Poe returns to the Maze to confront his father and figure out what the right thing to do is, leading him to a confrontation we’re not sure he can win.
I’ve said it before in this series, but Corona has built such an incredible world where this story takes place. There’s a rich mythology here that feels larger than we’ll be able to see in just this last chapter to the story. He’s also proven a master of keeping the tension and anticipation high, as I barely finish each issue before wanting to know more, to explore every nook and cranny of this deep and rich world.
His artwork serves the story in such a masterful way, lending the breakneck pace while piling a fantastic amount of information for us to see. I realize now that not only is the Victorian styling amazing in its own right, but it feels almost like the artwork from the Professor Layton game series, which may be why I feel it conveys such a heavy feel of mystery and adventure.
I’m really looking forward to the last issue, only because Corona has done such a spectacular job at making us want more. For an all-ages title, there’s a great deal of maturity in Poe’s character, though he still benefits from the reckless energy of youth. This is a title I would love to share with children, teaching friendship, loyalty, and how to find your own sense of right and wrong. I hope the finale lives up to the rest of the series, but from what I’ve seen so far, I don’t worry much in that regard.
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