The story continues of Frank, the former government superhero who’s now willing to do whatever it takes to recover his daughter from that same government. In the last issue, we saw him betray, torture, and brutally kill his former partner from the old days in order to get information. This issue opens on a scene from those old days and shows us the kind of bond, the kind of friendship, that they had back then. Seeing the two of them interact, joke around, and help each other out really heightens the gruesome violence we saw last issue. After that camaraderie, how did it ever come to this?
We also get to see a more thorough display of Frank’s superpower (telekinesis) as he uses it to fight off a strike team who’s been sent to take care of him—and who is woefully underprepared. Finally, we meet Lloyd Venona, another super, this one with the ability to read minds—particularly those that are comatose or otherwise incapacitated—by jacking into them like a pair of headphones.
It’s a very exciting issue all around. The violence in this one is less gory, like the previous issue, and more action-oriented, which makes it less intense—even though it’s on a larger scale. One interesting thing to note, though: as we learned in the previous issue, Frank’s reason for all of this is to find his daughter who has been taken and perhaps recruited by what he sees as a corrupt organization. Though normally a good guy, it would seem he’s been forced to “play the bad guy” in order to get her back. Only it becomes increasingly apparent that maybe being “forced” into villainy isn’t such a big step for him. The look on his face as he kills and destroys those who have been sent after him is one of maniacal glee.
Another thing that makes this comic interesting is the age of many of the characters. In today’s youth-obsessed culture, even a lot of “seasoned” protagonists are late twenty-somethings. Frank and company, however, got their powers at around 40 years ago. They were at least in their early 20s then, which makes Frank—and a number of others—retirement age. His daughter, rather than a helpless, kidnapped, little girl, is an adult who presumably went with this “evil organization” of her own free will. It makes for an interesting dynamic throughout. It’s also kind of fun to see characters in their 60s who still know how to kick butt.
This is a fun issue in what’s turning out to be an interesting story arc. It’s probably not for kids, but those who enjoy action and mayhem and stories that are just different from the norm should enjoy it quite a bit.