When Fanboy Comics is not providing you with the latest in geek news and entertainment, the FBC staff hopes to offer our readers a myriad of opportunities to give back to the community. We love reading comics, watching movies, and playing video games, but we are never happier than when we are able to help others in need. With Geeks Care: How You Can Help, FBC will provide you a variety of causes that would greatly appreciate your time.
In this week’s installment of Geeks Care: How You Can Help, Fanboy Comics would like to highlight the incredible efforts of publisher Northwest Press, which recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for the comic book anthology series, Rise: Comics Against Bullying. Partnering with organizations including Stand for the Silent, GLAAD, and Prism Comics, Northwest Press is endeavoring to create a comic book series that will not only feature some of the comic book industry’s leading writers and artists, but the stories contained within will combat bullying through a variety of voices and tones. Once published and printed, the comics will be distributed for FREE to Stand for the Silent, GLAAD, and Prism Comics (as well as schools and libraries) to spark conversations and provide resources for at-risk youth in an accessible and engaging format. With the Kickstarter campaign having already launched, Fanboy Comics wants to provide its readers with information on how you can help to bring this amazing project to fruition!
Since 2010, Northwest Press has been dedicated to publishing the best lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender comic book collections and graphic novels and celebrating the LGBT comics community. According to Northwest Press owner Charles “Zan” Christensen, “Comics have always been a great medium for kids of all ages. Our goal is to use these [comics] to spark a conversation about bullying.” Through the Kickstarter campaign, Christensen hopes to raise enough funds to print the first two issues of the anthology series in large enough quantities that they can be distributed freely.
With comic book creators like Marc Guggenheim (Arrow, Green Lantern), Howard Chaykin (American Flagg, Cody Starbuck, Black Kiss), Jody Houser (Cupcake POW!, Womanthology, Vertigo’s CMYK: Magenta), and Husbands co-creator Brad Bell, the RISE comics will provide a great message to readers of all ages with top-notch writing and artistic talent.
For those interested in lending support to RISE: Comics Against Bullying, readers may visit the RISE Kickstarter page, and don’t forget to check out the backer rewards, which include physical and digital copies of the issues, signed artwork, lettering services on your next comic book, and more! The Kickstarter campaign will close on Sunday, November 2nd, so be sure to donate soon!
If you have a volunteer opportunity or an important cause that could use the assistance of a few geeks, please email the details to barbra (at) fanboycomics.net.