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If there is one thing that sets me apart from 109% of the male contingent on this planet, it’s that I’m an admitted hopeless romantic.  Note the word “admitted,” as I have no doubt that there is a percentage of men out there that do have some romanticism coursing through their veins, but they’d most likely prefer being locked up in a room for 30 days straight watching The Bachelor reruns than care to admit to it.

Thus, when the opportunity arose to review IDW’s Weird Love semi-new comic, I was intrigued to say the least.  I use the term “semi-new,” because, in reality, the stories in IDW’s first issue of the series are a collection of what they deem the strangest romance stories from the pulp era of our culture, all compiled into a bi-monthly graphic novel.

I’m not kidding about the novel description either; the first issue is packed with four different stories, all of which read more like a literal novel than the Sunday funnies.  I seriously haven’t read this much dialogue in a comic since lord knows when.  Hell, the stories in Weird Love make the Letters to the Editor section of any comic book look like Dr. Seuss in comparison.

This, of course, is directly related to the fact that these romance stories were geared to woman.  A direct correlation can be made to the film medium, as well.  There is still that trend where women tend to prefer movies with more dialogue, while if given the choice, men would rather watch a film where the characters communicate in mono-syllabic grunts with an occasional note of flatulence here and there for good measure.

In addition to being wordier, the stories themselves date themselves, as they portray society at the time.  It was a very damsel-in-distress type era (at least more so than today), and the strong female relationship leads were few and far between, as in pretty much non-existent.  Still, the stories themselves were actually intriguing due mainly to the depictions of characters being so over the top in an entertaining way.

Another interesting backdrop to one of the stories included the original scare of Communism and the rise of secret Commie clubs within the U.S.  I found this an interesting read, not because it was eye opening by any stretch, but because, in many respects, the political theme was almost applicable again with the new growing tensions between the U.S. and Russia happening today in the year 2014.

By the end of the book, I can’t say I had any new-found tips when it came to romance, nor would I recommend this as any type of Romance for Dummies 101 replacement.  If, however, you are interested in a fun read, you might want to grab a copy of Weird Love just to see how far the human species has evolved socially in the last 60 years. (Spoiler alert: It’s not as far as you’d think!)



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