Yeah, I read it. It was good. You’ll read it, too. You’ll like it just like I did. So, why the attitude, you ask? Because this comic could be awesome . . . and now I have to wait for Issues #2-5 to find out. And, if it turns out to suck, then my faith in what little goodness is left in the world is that much more broken. I guess I’m like that girl who’s had her heart broken one too many times . . . and yet here I am writing another positive review. (I’m such a cheerleader masochist.) This time I’m going to focus on what could go wrong.
1) The Characters
Issue #1 has everything that your intro could possibly need. A super badass good guy (and samurai!), a cool action sequence that ends with a big boom, the introduction to a small town in need of a protector, and the ultimate entrance of the bad guy who our fearless hero will protect us from. Basically, it’s The Three Amigos, which you all know is roughly based on The Magnificent Seven, which is, of course, a samarai tale. Voila. Full circle. Here’s where I start putting some pressure on.
Our talented writer (mostly of movies and stuff), John Raffo, has to continue to keep us rooting for the hero – and it’s SO easy to flub (I swore here, but my editor is all G rated.) a samurai story. Let’s face it: samurais are boring people with no sense of humor, no ethical dilemmas, and no play with the ladies (usually). So, our guy writer Raffo has to somehow keep us engaged. He’s also got to make sure the love interest doesn’t suck and make the Baddie really good – in the anti-hero Loki fad kind of a way, hopefully. All while pushing the story forward. I hope he’s up for it. My child-like way of viewing the world is counting on it. So, Johnny, don’t let us all down, please?
2) The Art
Turns out the art might be secondary in Johnny’s (See above to know who he is.) eyes, as our art team of Nelson Blake II and Dave McCaig doesn’t have their own bios on the cover page, but art is kind of important to us comic readers. Turns out Junior (I can’t call him “the second.”) has worked on Witchblade and GI Joe and Artifacts and stuff. He’s actually super talented in the ‘New 52’/IDW kind of a way (You know what I’m talking about – it’s clean, sexy art). Dave McCaig, our colorist, is a legend among colorists, as in he’s all American Vampire, which is awesome – so he is, too.
Here’s the issue: they’re good. If one of a myriad of things goes wrong (They don’t get attention, food poisoning, selling out for a banking job, whatever.), our dream team dies. And so, too, do my dreams of an awesome, extraterrestrial samurai story. Please don’t flub (stupid editor) up the art on this comic. It means too much to my soul.
3) The End
Let’s face it. I’m smarter ‘n you. That’s why I have this swanky comic blogger job, and you’re jealous. So, I won’t go future spoiler alert and tell you how this comic should (and, hopefully, will) end, because then my editor will tell me to stop flubbing spoiling stuff. So, I’ll talk around it a bit.
This is a samurai tale. We know they’re epic tales of purity, sacrifice, and badass-ery (It’s a word). Our indomitable hero will do all kinds of mind-blowing stuff, and there are usually cool montages, which we all love. This is our pure and legendary hero. Let’s hope (and pray) that we don’t shell out cash for 3 or 4 issues only to find out that our “samurai” is really just a poser who can’t make the hard decisions. A little pain, a little “tough love,” and little “life sucks” is what every samurai tale needs. And, this one could be a doozy of a tale. It’s all on a different planet, and he beats the crap out of robots and mutants . . . and they introduce a boss for future boss battles. Seriously, it looks awesome.
So, please, Johnny, don’t flub this up.