The last issue of Joe Harris (Great Pacific) and IDW’s X-Files: Season 10 left a lot of X-Philes like myself on pins and needles for what lies ahead for the FBI’s dynamic duo. Issue #6, which will be released on November 27th, finds The X-Files division reopened, along with Agents Mulder and Scully being reinstated in the FBI. Their first case involves investigating the disappearances of beach-goers on Martha’s Vineyard that may have a connection to an old X-Files cold case involving Flukeman, the part human and part fluke/worm from the show’s sophomore season.
The cold case aside, Issue #6 (Hosts: Part 1) gives readers a lot of nostalgia of Mulder and Scully toiling around their basement office in the old days of The X-Files. I’ve been a monster (No pun intended.) fan of this comic book series since its release, and I have to say Issue #6 may be the best issue yet. It hits on all cylinders and matches the tone and pacing of the show perfectly. While the entire book looks great, the panels within the old X-Files office were probably my favorite, for the phenomenal reference to the pilot episode. We’re also introduced to a new character, Anna Morales, who has taken over as Assistant Director after Skinner’s promotion to Deputy Director. Assistant Director Morales sends Mulder to his old stomping grounds of Martha’s Vineyard to get a handle on the situation there, while Scully is tasked with reexamining remains from the cold case. As you might expect, from there, things get weird.
If you’re an X-Files fan but you’ve yet to read any of this series, you have no idea what you’re missing out on. It’s fun, exciting, thrilling, and awesome rolled into one. Writer Joe Harris continues to provide his exemplary work on this series, giving readers a lot to enjoy in 22 pages. He writes Mulder and Scully perfectly. When reading their dialogue, you read it in David Duchovny’s and Gillian Anderson’s voices, respectively. Visually, there’s been a change, with Elena Casagrande and Silvia Califano taking over the artwork and with Arianna Florean and Valentina Cuomo providing the coloring. Issue #6 is another home run for Joe Harris and the entire X-Files: Season 10 crew. Pick up your copy of Hosts: Part 1 when it’s released November 27th!
Overall: 9/10