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Unfortunately for Denise, Chambers #3 allows her to connect the dots behind who is picking off her family members, one by one, and get some real answers to why her father was gunned down. She’s also forced to close off her humanity as she sets out for vigilante justice, but while she’s cool and collected as she guns perpetrators down, Denise isn’t hard enough to be completely unaffected by her actions. By the end of the issue, this street-wise cop realizes that she can trust no one, even the boys in blue who are supposed to protect her back.

Denise’s dark side comes into full focus in Issue #3 of Chambers, and it is both delightful and sobering to behold. The young women who seemed so soft and family oriented in the first volume has no difficulty sacrificing others’ loved ones if she can get some answers about her own losses. I loved seeing Denise turn up the heat on the men who betrayed her father, and I definitely wouldn’t want to get on her bad side! She continues to show that a noir detective comic can have a strong female lead without sacrificing grit and gore.

The art in Chambers continues to please me, and I loved what appeared to be photographs blended into the backgrounds in some panels of Issue #3.  The cover image of a black-and-white striped shirt and blood-stained hands is the perfect introduction to the carnage, and it mentally prepared me for Denise going assassin.

I’m finally getting answers to how well Denise will hold up when she becomes judge, jury, and executioner for the dirty cops who killed her father, and she’s still the warm, loving woman readers saw with her family in the beginning. She simply has an amazing ability to compartmentalize, which could indicate a more severe problem; however, how will our heroine react to the ultimate betrayal revealed in the final panels? I can only assume that Issue #4 will show me!

Overall, I think that Chambers #3 is my favorite in the series to date. I got a hard-boiled cop drama with its requisite dose of violence, answers to some of my questions about Denise, and some strong backstory as to exactly why her father was taken down by the narcotics department. All I want is for the series to continue with its trajectory and end on a high note.

5 Internal Affairs Investigations out of 5

Chambers is available here.

Jodi Scaife, Fanbase Press Social Media Strategist

Mid-30s geek type with a houseful of pets, books, DVDs, CDs, and manga


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