“Standing up for what you believe in has consequences.”
Hacktivity centers on Shawn Harris, a young, talented computer hacker who goes by the handle “T.F.” Shawn/T.F. finds himself in way over his head when he’s caught leaking documents from the FBI’s database that show how the government is watching everything we do. Now, he’s on trial and faces thirty years in prison if convicted, which seems like an almost certainty since the judge presiding over the case has a real knack for throwin’ hackers in the slammer. Shawn’s arrest and trial sets off a huge debate over the public’s right to know what kind of shady shenanigans our government is up to. It not only gave Shawn a number of enemies but also a number of allies in the form of fellow hacktivists, who want to help Shawn realize his full potential.
It’s hard not to draw parallels between Hacktivity and whistleblower Edward Snowden, and that’s not a bad thing. Snowden stood up for what he believed in and now has to live in Russia as a consequence. Russia! That’s right, we live in a world where someone feels freer with the Ruskies! Thanks, America! Isn’t this supposed to be the country we’re not just allowed, but obligated to question power? Especially when that power is being abused by those who wield it? Of course, it is. We’re a country founded on the principle of freedom and of a government by the people, for the people. Hacktivity holds these truths to be self-evident.
Author Ovi Demetrian shows the lengths to which the government will go to silence those who dare speak out against the real criminals masquerading around within the government. Artist James Whynot provides his wonderful talents to Hacktivity. The art is visually striking and keeps your eyes glued to the page.
Overall, this is a good first issue. I’m interested to see where the series goes from here, and I’m also a sucker for a good, ol’ fashioned government conspiracy story. If you’re anything like me and aren’t a big fan of good, ol’ Big Brother, I recommend picking up Hacktivity #1!
Overall: 8/10