The latest issue of Mind MGMT follows Bill and Meru as they attempt to find answers to Meru’s past and keep to the edges of the upcoming conflict between Lyme and the Eraser. There are some tantalizing hints and interesting character developments sprinkled in with the spy story. In fact, Mind MGMT is exactly what we all thought Lost was: a sci-fi story that has fascinating characters and a deep and well thought out mythology. It is also as good as we all thought Lost was.
BIG SPOILERS (for past issues) BELOW
When Bill and Meru are accosted while exploring Meru’s past in Zanzibar, we are finally treated to an exploration into Meru’s abilities outside of a climactic battle. The big revelation at the end of the last arc is explored more concretely here. Meru’s abilities make her an incredible power. When your army is dependent on psychic powers and those are taken away from you, you don’t have an army anymore. You just have a bunch of guys.
Rosebud is Luke’s father.
What I have consistently loved about this comic is how well it balances the thoughtful character bits, the intelligent suspense bits, and the occasional action scenes. Not only is the balance a thing of beauty, the action, suspense, and drama all succeed on their own merits. Also, we are almost constantly introduced to the most inventive psychic powers. All this in a comic with some of the best art around.
The structure of this comic has been so fascinating to me. Every six issues is an (almost) standalone arc, but the series as a whole is building an incredible story. This issue is the second in the third arc, so, right now, the big questions and plot are being slowly revealed. This is so much fun if the storyteller is good, and Matt Kindt is exceptional.
I cannot wait to see where the story goes from here. There are huge questions that remain to be answered, and those answers seem tantalizingly close. The story is building in some directions that I didn’t see coming, and I want to see more of this world. Mostly, I can’t wait to find out if I have even been asking the right questions.
Five Foreshadowing Trips to Zanzibar out of Five