Peter Panzerfaust is a retelling of the story of Peter Pan set during World War 2, and it’s about the coolest thing ever. After the rather explosive ending to Issue #12, things have seriously gone pear shaped for the Lost Boys as the Hunters prove to be more crafty than any of the Germans the Boys have had to face thus far.
Felix’s narration continues to be wonderful. The bitter, old man’s recounting of these darker chapters in Peter and the Lost Boys’ story work perfectly together, and his playoff and constant badgering of the journalist is essentially him speaking to the reader and addressing all of our questions and concerns in his own, grumpy way.
As the subtitle of this article hints at, Issue #13 touches on the unusual nature of war for some people who should die to live and those who should have lived to die. It’s a messy, brutal issue and overall one of the ones that leaves the Peter Pan elements to the side and focuses solely on the nature of war.
Minor Spoilers Below
The highlight of this issue is back at the house as the Chief, Lilly, Wendy, and company are holed up while the Hunters pin them down. These scenes illustrate both the bravery of Wendy and Lilly and their inexperience as soldiers, every bit in the same boat as the boys. The Chief is the voice of experience, teaching them at every moment and imparting to them the skills to survive. There’s a lot of tension during the siege and though in the end not the most important element in the issue, I feel that it sets the tone and crafts the tension that makes this such an engaging read. In addition, I’m confident the actions of these three in Issue #13 will carry forward into future issues.
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This issue of Peter Panzerfaust will not make you laugh; what it will do is make you grit your teeth, and swear, and flip pages like mad to see how the situation resolves. Pazerfaust has finally delivered us to war.
Five Shards of Glass Mementos out of Five