The Fanboy Scoop: The Skynet of geek news. Only not evil.
Subscribe now, or evil wins.
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The Fanboy Scoop is a daily e-newsletter from the staff of Fanboy Comics. We visit all of the essential geek news sites (AICN, Newsarama, Topless Robot, and many others…) and gather “the cream of the crop” from the day’s headlines. Subscribers receive an e-newsletter each morning (Monday through Friday), and can also find the stories on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
These newsletters are great for the over-worked, over-stressed, and just plain lazy geeks out there who would like to keep abreast of the day’s geek news without combing the ‘net for hours. Only The Fanboy Scoop can provide you with the necessary headlines to keep you the king of geek gossip at your local comic book shop!
Interested in receiving The Fanboy Scoop? Email us at
(Fanboy Comics will keep all email addresses confidential and will not share them with any outside parties.)
We look forward to adding you to the mailing list for this daily shot of fanboy brain protein!
Until then, keep preparing for the inevitable giant squid invasion.
Fanboy Comics wishes to thank the following pop-culture news sources for providing the information contained in the The Fanboy Scoop:
Whedonesque, Whedonopolis, Geek Chic Daily, All Things Fangirl, CC2K, Geektyrant, SFX, GeekSix, ComicsAlliance, MTV Splashpage, Newsarama, Ain’t It Cool News, Topless Robot, io9, Sequential Tart, Serenity Tales, Comic Book Resources, Bleeding Cool, What Would Tyler Durden Do, Geekscape, Nerd Basterds, LA Weekly, Boing Boing, OverThinkingIt, Bloody-Disgusting!, Dread Central, Blastr, CineBoobs, Multiversity Comics, Furious Fanboys,,, and Down With The Capitol