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Fanboy Comics is Here for the ‘Part-Time Gamer’ (and a Humble Bundle Special)

Average Gamer Girl

Average Gamer GirlDear Fanboy Comics Readers:

The first video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey, was released in 1972. While the Odyssey doesn’t live on in the collective memory like 1977’s Atari 2600 or 1985’s Nintendo Entertainment System, it helped spawn a generation of gamers. The kids that grew up playing the first and second generation of video game consoles are in their 30s and 40s and no longer have all the time in the world to play the games we love. With that in mind, Fanboy Comics is proud to announce a new, regular series for its audience: Part-Time Gamer.

Part-Time Gamer, which will be released every Thursday, will not necessarily look at the latest video games that all the kids are lining up to play at 12:01 a.m. on launch day. We are not interested in the games that require you to play every day for two hours a day to compete.  Instead, we will focus on those games that you can enjoy, even if you are only able to sneak in an hour of gaming in each week. When you aren’t willing to let your love of video games get in the way of your life, but don’t want to stop playing just because you are an adult, Part-Time Gamer is here to help.

While we will be covering games in a style that is similar to a review, we don’t want to waste your time by talking about games that don’t work for your schedule or aren’t good. If we don’t think it’s a good fit for the part-time gamer, we won’t talk about it. We are also assuming that as a responsible adult, you have a little money to spend if you want, but the real precious thing is your time. This is why we won’t talk about whether a game is a great value or not bad for $60. We only want to ensure that you spend your limited free time playing great games.

A Special Note from Part-Time Gamer:


If you own a PC that can run a pretty modern video game, go to the Humble Bundle Weekly Sale page and buy Alan Wake. I will have a full write up in a few days, but it is pay-what-you-want, so go and get it now. Seriously, go and get it.









Ben Rhodes, Fanbase Press Senior Contributor


Favorite Book:  Cryptonomicon Favorite Movie:  Young Frankenstein Favorite Absolutely Everything:  Monty Python


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