Monty’s World is a bimonthly, four-issue black-and-white anthology miniseries produced by T. Warren Montgomery’s Will Lill Comics, featuring covers and insert art by T. Warren Montgomery.
The first story is “Lightning Marval” written by T. Warren Montgomery and with art by Ron Stewart. This is a tale in a Silver Age superhero fashion featuring Lightning Marval facing one of his many foes. At only 5 pages, it’s a bit disappointing that half of the pages are set-up and one is devoted to a splash, so this story feels like it’s just getting going when it’s cut off. The art features a great, inked style that matches the tone it’s aiming for perfectly. The character designs didn’t especially stand out to me, but Muscleman’s style of speech certainly did, which is goofy as hell, vaguely amusing, and certainly makes this character memorable.
Next up is “The Golden Age Leaf” written by John Michael Helmer and with art by Stuart Berryhill. This tale worked better in such a small format for me by leaping straight into the action of World War II, focusing around Canadian Captain Walter Macsorly and a Scottish Sergeant. These characters are caricatures that work well for telling this isolated World War II story. I really like Berryhill’s art style, which captures the pulp feel it’s aiming for but is more detailed and displays action in a better fashion than those old comics ever seemed to.
Then, there’s “Depthon, Son of the Ocean” written by Steve Skeates and with art by Ron Stewart. One of the longer tales in this book, straight from the pages of Surprising Comics, Dephton is an Aquaman-like figure but with a more interesting powerset. Unlike “Lightning Marval,” Dephton felt more complete, as the tale successfully introduces Dephton’s origins, the nemesis he faces, and solves the problem he faces with some decent action moments spread throughout.
And, closing out Issue #1 is “The Exiles (1988)” written by Lonnie Weems and with art by T. Warren Motgomery. This story is so f—ing ’80s ,featuring a set of He-Man-like characters in a science fiction comic world. What’s cool about this story is it’s a walk down nostalgic lane between the storytelling techniques and the signs that this comic was made in an era before computers became so important to lettering and drawing. The brief action scenes are pretty entertaining, though, overall, this first part is exposition heavy with a ton of quick and jarring transitions, which I found distracting.
Fans of Silver Age comics or ’80s cartoon styles will enjoy the feel the team created in this book. Each of the tales feels like it came straight out of that era. Personally, I’m not a fan of this style and wound up groaning at moments in each of the stories, but that’s usually a strong indication that fans of such cheesiness will enjoy it. Each of these tales would have benefited from a few more pages, but most of the stories do a great job making the most of this abbreviated space.
The print version of Monty’s World #1 will be available in January 2013, and the digital version is currently available via the Kindle store, Nook store, and DriveThru Comics for $3.50. For more information regarding Monty’s World #1, please visit