Bluewater Productions has become known for publishing biographical comics featuring celebrities, presidential candidates, and even British royalty, but their latest comic release is, as publisher Darren G. Davis says, ” . . . meant to be fun for people and not to educate society.” That’s right! Reality television has finally invaded the sequential art medium with 15 Minutes: Honey Boo Boo, written and illustrated by Michael Troy and totally jacked up on comic book-flavored “Go Go Juice!”
Straddling the line between parody and mockery, featuring bold, colorful, and exuberant art and told in Troy’s trademark sassy and tongue-in-cheek style, 15 Minutes: Honey Boo Boo is definitely a stand out in Bluewater Productions’ lineup. Troy uses an interesting and fun framing device that plays off the odd, perplexing, and sometimes superficial nature of fame and connects it to pop culture artist Andy Warhol’s famous “15 minutes” quote. As Troy spins the curious and twisted yarn that is the rise of Honey Boo Boo Child, various recognizable celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Anderson Cooper, Lindsey Lohan, and more pop in to help the story along or comment on the ridiculous reality that surrounds the blonde Toddlers & Tiaras star and her family, making the book almost feel like a comic version of one of VH1’s countless pop culture commentary shows that always seem to feature super stoned comedian Doug Benson. (Speaking of Benson, why didn’t he show up in 15 Minutes: Honey Boo Boo? Well . . . he probably was going to but then . . . you know . . . forgot to show up.) Some in Geekdom have knocked 15 Minutes: Honey Boo Boo for, in their words, “exploiting” the child reality star and her family, and while there were times that Troy’s words have a zing to them that could be seen as a tad too harsh, he never strays from the facts of the family and the events depicted on the TLC reality shows. In all seriousness, the story of Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson is a troubling and shocking tale to many, but Troy attempts to convey the family’s story in a fun and good-humored way, never slandering. I can easily imagining Honey Boo Boo laughing out loud as she follows her own antics in Troy’s ode to the insanity of glitz, glamour, and Go Go juice.
While there are a few minor typos in the issue, if you’re a fan of Toddlers & Tiaras, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, or Honey Boo Boo Child herself, there’s no reason you won’t scarf down this latest serving of Bluewater “sketti!”
You can purchase your own copy of 15 Minutes: Honey Boo Boo at Comic Flea Market and be sure to stop by the FBC Approved section (under Lethally Blonde Productions) of the Fanboy Comics website to learn more about writer/artist Michael Troy and his other work.
That’s all for now, comic book sniffers! Until next time, don’t get too sauced on that Go Go juice!
-Bryant the Comic Book Slayer