I can say that, with the possible exception of Jimmy Brass, 2nd Grade Detective, this is my favorite all-ages comic. Like any good kids’ programming, the material has to be entertaining for adults. This one is. The humor here is bizarre enough that kids will just love it, and grownups can appreciate the sheer absurdity.
I jumped on board the Adventure Time train late, and I started reading this book without context and at Issue #2. I should say that I refuse to watch things out of order [ed. He actually tried to watch Law & Order in episode order. (Seriously.)], and this book doesn’t need the context. The story does follow from the last issue, but only a little.
This story continues to follow the titular band’s tour through the magically weird land of Ooo. In this issue, Marceline sees a review, Guy, the werewolf keyboardist, reveals a horrible secret, and Princess Bubblegum, the manager, tries to hold everything together. The story works, but it isn’t that important. The comic works because of the sense of joy it has bringing this world to life.
I have a terrible secret that I want to get off my chest. About a month ago, I implored the internet to go watch Adventure Time, because it is a great and imaginative show. I also implied that there might be something wrong with you if you haven’t seen this show. I fully stand by both of those claims, but I must confess that I have only seen two or three episodes of this wonderful show. I am so sorry.
The point is that I am an adult with no kids, who has not followed the show regularly, and I missed the first issue. The fact that I still love this book should say a lot.
Four Odd References to Law & Order out of Five.