In the aftermath of the recent Obi-Wan Kenobi TV series on Disney+, there has been renewed interest in the Star Wars prequel movies. Though not entirely beloved when they hit the big screen, new appreciation for those films has moved through the fandom at a rapid pace. Dark Horse Comics’ Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1 continues this trend.
Set between Attack of the Clones and The Clone Wars, this issue follows Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker as they travel to the Moon of Staggec in order to find Padme Amidala and a Wookie senator. Along the way, they find the senator’s daughter, Battle Droids (Roger, Roger), and the infamous General Grievous.
The story, written by Amanda Deibert, is spot on. She understands these characters and has their voices down pat. This could have been a part of one of the movies or TV shows – it was that well done. She deals with Anakin’s complex emotions, as well as the knowledge (of the audience) that Anakin and Padme are secretly married. It’s really great. The art by Lucas Marangon is cartoony with well-drawn droids and starships. Marangon drew many Star Wars stories for Dark Horse when the company held the license from Lucasfilm. The colorist, Michael Atiyah adds a lot of details in the Wookies and some of the backgrounds.
Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1 is worth reading for anyone who is a fan of the prequel era of Star Wars. The characters and situations are very well done. The story is fun, and the reader gets to visit with old friends. Truly, it is an enjoyable experience.
Recommended 3 out of 4 stars
Creative Team: Amanda Deibert , Lucas Marangon, & Michael Atiyah
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
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