Covering the week of 8/6/2012, the Fanboy Comics staff reviews the top geek stories from the popular, daily e-newsletter, The Fanboy Scoop.
In this episode, we discuss Joss Whedon’s multi-year contract with Marvel Studios, DC’s consideration of a JLA movie, the legal battle over The Walking Dead, whether we should fear the US when it comes to copyright infringement, and Doctor Who’s take on time travel.
Cast members: Bryant Dillon, Sam Rhodes, Drew Siragusa, and Barbra Dillon
Special guests: Brent Trembath (Scruffy Puppies), Kristine Chester (FBC Contributor)
Featuring: “Batman Maybe” by Wekejay
EXCITING NEWS: You can hear now hear The Fanboy Scoop – Week In Review Season 2 on and Krypton Radio every Monday at 7:00 p.m./PST and every Saturday at 2:00 p.m.!
You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or download the episode!