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Four issues ago, Death lost her job because someone (Darius Shah) was being born that would make her job pointless; this baby would grow up to end death. So, Death was given human form in Laila Star, and over the past four issues, we’ve seen Laila live, only to die while watching this baby grow to adulthood—always missing her chance to try and stop him before dying again.

With issue five, Laila confronts him as an elderly man, and the story boils down to the point. It’s a simple point, but I feel like – in this day and age, after the couple of years we’ve been through – it’s a point that should be repeated often. I won’t tell you what that point is, that’s part of the journey, but this journey has been beautiful.

Issue 3 told the story from the point of view of a cigarette, and it was beautiful and eloquent. In issue 4, we met an old Chinese temple that had a voice and a “hrm” that reminded me of a certain plot of land from The Sandman.

There beats a poetic heart at the center of this series. In fact, this issue is called “Poetry” and quotes certain verses that linger in the mind as you continue through the panels.

And what panels they are! They are a visual elegance that fills our eyes. For a story about death, it always feels like the sun is just starting to set, casting its tropical hues across the sky. That’s just the thing, though: For the central character being death, and death following Darius at his heels, death isn’t what this series is about.

These creators see the poetry in the world around them and in the lives lived. We should be thankful they’re sharing those visions with us.

Creative Team: Ram V (writer), Filipe Andrade (illustrations), Inês Amaro (color assists), AndWorld Design (colors), Marie Krupina, (Logo Designer), Grace Park (Designer), Eeric Harburn (Editor), Ramiro Portnoy (Assistant Editor)
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
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Phillip Kelly, Fanbase Press Contributor


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