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There have been times in my life where I’ve felt lost, sincerely alone, or wanted some direction or meaning in life. That obviously doesn’t make me punk, but it does mean I know where Ami is coming from. Ami is our protagonist in Home Sick Pilots, and – like I have in the past – she has committed herself to something very strange to help shake her of those feelings. For me, growing up in mid-sized, middle-American towns, it was becoming a geek: D&D, Magic the Gathering, comic books. For Ami, it was befriending a haunted house that gave her powers to knock about and collect all of the ghosts that have gotten away over the years. The other thing that can happen when you are in the state of personal turmoil such as Ami is that you can be taken advantage of. I know this feeling, as well.

Thankfully, I didn’t have a murderous house manipulating me, which is, to be completely honest, pretty punk on Ami’s part.

Dan Watters has created a story that reverberates with charisma, even when it is – hands down – pretty dark, though never in a gritty way. Its darkness is full of peculiarities. And if you want someone to draw really strange things in really amazing ways, you knock on Casper Wijngaard’s door. There’s imagery in this series that defies all forms of the medium. It really is an absolute joy simply to look at, and with characters you care about, including Ami’s bandmates who have been entangled into the plot, well, it would be difficult for me not to recommend this series.

Creative Team: Dan Watters (writer), Casper Wijngaard (artist), Aditya Bidikar(letterer), Tom Muller (designer), Erika Schnatz (production artist), Tara Ferguson (White Noise marketing)
Publisher: Image Comics
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Phillip Kelly, Fanbase Press Contributor


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