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Quick recap: The crew of the Sundog is at the mercy of salvagers. Vess’ vows of celibacy may become a problem for her, and her growing feelings for Grix look to become a point of conflict between her and Eline. Things are pretty tense, to say the least.

In the second installment of the “Edge of Everything” story arc, temptation and opportunity seem to be running themes. Both Grix and Vess are confronted by their current positions and future possibilities. As captives of Captain Turo, the Sundog crew finds themselves in a pickle with nowhere to go and everywhere else to be.

G. Willow Wilson writes a great issue that is mostly focused on interpersonal relationships, and yet it doesn’t feel turgid. These characters feel really familiar by now, so expanding on their characters seems really natural. Most of the page time is still dedicated to Grix and, to a lesser extent, Vess, so I’m hoping that the rest of the team will get more space soon. Turo is a new and rather fascinating addition to the cast of characters, coming across as a bit of a roguishly handsome Robin Hood aspirant, but he never quite seems to be on the level. There are a couple of amazing scenes between Grix and Turo, where they discuss possible avenues for Grix’s future. Christian Ward continues to do great work on this series. The panels of Grix and Turo walking through the ship are so dynamic and well thought out. Ward’s watercolor style and bright colors seamlessly depict the beauty of space, but it somehow also manages to convey the grungy nature of the surroundings. Sal Cipriano’s letters are easy to follow and move in such organic ways that you’re never at a loss for how to read the pages.

Final thoughts: The second arc of Invisible Kingdom is continues to be strong. The creative team gels really well, and I think that the characters and the universe are growing in real and organic ways.  

Creative Team: G. Willow Wilson (writer), Christian Ward (artist), Sal Cipriano (letterer)
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
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Wenxian Tan, Fanbase Press Contributor


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