I have to admit that every time I see Cullen Bunn’s name on a series, I get excited. Here, he’s writing with Kyle Strahm who, up until this point, has been more of an artist working on series like Hack/Slash and Spread. Bunn is one of the best horror writers in comics right now, writing for almost every major publisher and going where the stories or collaborations take him. He’s such a freaking nerd about world building and lore that every one of his stories feels like they extend far beyond the reaches of the characters. He’s prolific and consistently wonderful.
Working with Strahm, Unearth is no exception. It has a sort of Annihilation or Prometheus vibe. We follow a handful of scientists and military-level bodyguards into an unknown situation, as they explore some seriously weird happenings in Mexico. Dr. Reyes, one of Bunn’s wonderful female characters, is the lead on this expedition, as they show up in an inhospitable area in which a fatal disease is killing many… I take that back; actually, it’s turning people into big balls of fleshy goo. It’s pretty gross – body horror, y’all!
They set off to explore a recently created cave, where a horrible event occurred, and discover some pretty insane things within which also includes a group of local guerilla soldiers up to some weird stuff. With a group of scientists and a group of soldiers caught in this high-stress situation, there’s bound to be some heated arguments and the temperature there is already slowly on the rise.
This is a really great first issue; we get a solid idea of who the characters are by the way they react to every situation. WE understand the situation as much as we need to, and the mystery is strange and creepy. Plus, the artwork here is great. It’s exactly where I want to be at the end of the first issue of any comic book.
Creative Team: Cullen Bunn and Kyle Strahm (story), Baldemar Rivas (art), Crank! (letters), Joel Enos (editor)
Publisher: Image Comics
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