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‘World War X #1:’ Comic Book Review

Titan Comics introduces another comic book originally published in French with its release of World War X#1. Handling interpreting responsibilities for the first two issues of Masked, Edward Gauvin again translates for this science fiction thriller.

The first issue in this series relies heavily on drawings by Peter Snejbjerg and colors by Delphine Rieu, as several pages, let alone panels, go without any conversational interaction between characters. In fact, the first three pages, and most of the fourth page, are without dialogue. This method for these early pages, and then further through the comic book, allows the reader to get a true sense of the surroundings.

The timeline has already met the year 2017, and the location is set on a lunar base staring back at Earth. Flags from different countries are identifiable from one of the many pieces of heavy equipment on a large construction site on the moon. The subtle recognition of this joint venture among nations provides a sense of significance to the magnitude of this mission, along with the spacesuits, craters on the surface, and the millions of stars being the backdrop to the planet.

That’s when things go wrong, and conversations, screams, or any other kind of exchange aren’t necessary when astronauts come face to face with it. After a container accidentally drops from a crane, a tall, green alien bursts through the box. Beyond what one might consider a first encounter, this menacing creature looks nothing like the “little, green men” once associated with finding life among the stars. Not only are there injuries from the fallen container, there is also definitely a danger associated with being near this monster.

Writer Jerry Frissen presents the rest of this story with fragments from different parts of the world and moon, as well as flashbacks to older times that help identify where these monsters might’ve come from. Frissen also includes characters with multiple motivations, some trying to explain the dangers revolving around these containers, which happen to have markers that have been originally misconstrued as being safe. Then, there are others who want to protect their interests with the lunar project, despite losing contact with the entire expedition. There is also a character shrouded in mystery for the simple fact they seem to have amnesia, as well as body guards, limos, and a private jet.

The first chapter in World War X presents enough story to know future issues will highlight the dangers bubbling to the surface and further describe this alien race that’s been around much longer than anyone else would ever hope to admit.

World War X #1 is now available in print and digital form.

S.T. Lakata, Fanbase Press Senior Contributor



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