With Free Comic Book Day around the corner, Titan Comics has two comic books available for attendees to check out. In a world of popular characters, Titan is bringing Doctor Who and Tank Girl to comic shops, and their timing is perfect.
This year marks major milestones for both comic book franchises. Tank Girl has its original black-and-white comics, created by Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin, being brought back to life in full color. Tank Girl: Full Color Classics 1988 – 1989 will include unseen artwork for fans, which also has been a thrill for the creators.
“We’re also having a great time searching through the archives and finding unseen artwork and photos, which will give enlightening and contemporary context to the strips.” – Martin
In addition to seeing classic Tank Girl in color, Titan Comics has announced the “Year of the Tank Girl.” This year celebrates 30 years of its title character and will see several new releases all leading up to “Tank Girl Day,” which will take place on Saturday, October 20. Among the releases this year, fans and newcomers to the character will have an opportunity to grab a copy of A Brief History of Tank Girl on Free Comic Book Day.

A Brief History of Tank Girl
Age Group: Teens+
Creators: Alan Martin (writer), Brett Parson (artist), Jamie Hewlett (cover)
You’ll Like This If You Like: Seeing people get punched in the face
If you’re interested in learning about how Tank Girl became the beer-holding, angry “lager child” that’s depicted on the cover illustrated by Hewlett, then pick up a copy of the FCBD edition. Tank Girl is a no-holds-barred type character, and everyone should know: Expect punches to be thrown.
Tank Girl, you will find out, is tough and likes to punch people. And this FCBD issue will take a look at what might’ve led her down this path of, well, punching people. I’m not saying I would’ve ever imagined someone getting punched in the face on the same day of every year, but you’ll see that immediately when you check out A Brief History of Tank Girl.
Switching gears to the cosmic telephone booth side of things, Titan Comics is bringing the long-running Doctor to Free Comic Book Day. They already have a planned cycle to introduce the Thirteenth Doctor to the realm of comic books. Titan is bringing The Road to The Thirteenth Doctor, and it will include stories from several of the Doctors. What’s amazing for Doctor Who fans is that the Thirteenth Doctor will make an appearance in the special FCBD comic book.
Doctor Who (2018) #0
Age Group: Teens+
Creators: Nick Abadzis, John Freeman, George Mann, Jody Houser (writers); Giorgia Sposito, Arianna Florean, Christopher Jones, Mariano Laclaustra, Rachael Stott
You’ll Like This If You Like: A blend of Sherlock Holmes + Thomas Magnum + Jessica Fletcher
This comic book will jump from one Doctor to the next, and all of them will have their own unique adventure to follow. For example, do you know what happens at midnight? For some of us, sleep is the appropriate answer; however, when dealing with the Eleventh Doctor, it might be something else entirely.
Whether you’re a fan of any numbered Doctor Who, it’s safe to say this is a great opportunity for newcomers to explore multiple versions of the Doctor to find out who might be their favorite. With the first appearance of the Thirteenth Doctor making her way into the pages on Free Comic Book Day, it sounds like a perfect time to get started with this beloved character.
In addition to the FCBD experience, Titan Comics will release the new series featuring the Thirteenth Doctor this fall. They will also host their Fifth Annual Doctor Who Comics Day on Saturday, November 24. This is a worldwide event that many comic shops will host and include fun opportunities to explore the Time Lord.
I’d like to take a moment to thank Will O’Mullane and Titan Comics for taking part in our Free Comic Book Day coverage here at Fanbase Press. If you want to explore more Doctor Who, Tank Girl, or other series available from Titan Comics, take a look at their digital selection available online.