“[Wonder Woman] has come to represent the possibility and potential of life without war, hate or violence, and she is a beacon of hope to all who find themselves in need. She stands as an equal among the most powerful Super Heroes, with a sense of purpose to protect the world from injustice in all forms.” – DC Comics
As DC Comics celebrates the 80th anniversary of Wonder Woman, this is the perfect opportunity for parents to find more ways to get such a beloved character in front of their kids. Not only has Wonder Woman stood the test of time, her message of peace and hope is something we can all use in our lives. Although my kids (ages 7 and 8) aren’t old enough to watch the Wonder Woman films with Gal Gadot, or some of the comic books listed for ages 12 and older, I know there are plenty of ways my kids have already explored the iconic character.
Let’s take a look at some fun ways to introduce your young kids to Wonder Woman and many other characters in the DC world. (My kids are all the happier for it.)

DC Super Hero Girls (TV series)
If you’re looking for the traditional Wonder Woman vibe, but with a fun twist, then the animated series, DC Super Hero Girls, will be just the thing for the entire family. Yes, I sat down with my kids and watched several episodes of the first season. Do you know what happens when you sit down with your kids to watch something you’ve never seen, but they want to watch (or have seen it before)? It turns out that you can enjoy the same stuff they do.
That’s right, I’d be happy to sit down and watch more DC Super Hero Girls with my kiddos. There are some very wonderful messages in this series. In the first episode, we follow Batgirl as she moves to a new city and goes to a new school, and, of course, she misses her old friends. Although we’re not superheroes, finding new friends can be quite an overwhelming task in the real world. They’re able to showcase how very different characters can get along and eventually work together for the greater good of protecting others. Okay, overlook the initial fisticuffs between Wonder Woman and Supergirl and everything’s fine.
Also, if you’re looking for a reason to rewatch any show with your kids, find one that makes them laugh. You’ll even be pleasantly surprised when you find yourself laughing, too. DC Super Hero Girls has those moments. My kids were laughing, and I couldn’t help but laugh. Even though my kids laugh makes me smile, there are plenty of funny moments in this show.
For example: The rest of the DC Super Hero Girls’ crew tries to teach Wonder Woman how to be a regular teen and use proper slang. Something as simple as “I’d kill for a burrito” turns into a moment that was relived over and over again in our house. My kids shouted Wonder Woman’s response for the entirety of that day and it was hilarious. Watching it for the first time is the best way to hear it, so trust me when I say your kids will laugh and the rest of your day will be golden. The Cartoon Network has several episodes unlocked for free, but you can fast forward to 6:28 in episode 2 of #SweetJustice and get ready to watch your kids bust out laughing.
Wonder Woman 80 with DC Comics
DC Comics is presenting several opportunities for people to engage with this legendary character. How about Wonder Woman going into the Hall of Fame? That’s right, you can watch as one of the legends gets inducted into the Comic-Con Museum Character Hall of Fame. This virtual event will take place on Thursday, October 21, 2021, and along with a tribute to the character, expect “comic creators, talent shout-outs, and more fun moments!”
On top of Wonder Woman being a monumental role model, Wonderful Women of the World amplifies her inspirational message. This anthology, released on September 28, collects a variety of stories focused on “real-world heroes who take up Diana’s mantle and work in the fields of science, social justice activism, diplomacy and more!” It’s important for kids to be able to see individuals in a variety of fields, whether they’re making strides in sports, STEM, or activism. Finding role models in the real world can be just as powerful as those who fight for good in the pages of our favorite comic books, and this book has extraordinary contributors, including Laurie Halse Anderson as the book’s editor and a standout list of comic creators.
Check out DC Comics for more info on how they’re celebrating Wonder Woman 80 across the world.
DC Kids Online
DC Kids is a great YouTube channel with plenty of kid-friendly options to learn about Wonder Woman and see how amazing she is in the comic book world, via animation. There are several programs where kids are in charge of telling the story, which also includes Wonder Woman’s origin story. Having kids in this storytelling role allowed my kids to relax, and it seemed to make their experiences much more relatable than having dear old dad try to explain stuff.
If you’re looking for a fun craft, try making Wonder Woman’s shield and bracelets. This is the type of activity where your kids will start asking if they can do it before the video has even ended. Plus, having a kid in charge of this project allows the video to be fun and silly, because my kids asked me to repeat a scene where paper towels were briefly used in place of the bracelets. If you watch the clip here, you can still hear my kids laughing. Again, when my kids find something funny, they have to instantly go back and rewatch it again (and again). They also have a printable sheet with instructions and materials you can use, if you want to avoid going back and forth on the video.
If you and your kids want to move beyond the origin story, or craft making, then there are plenty of ways to highlight Wonder Woman’s skills on the battlefield. Your kids can explore the “Top 10 Wonder Woman Moments” from Justice League Action and they will know how amazing she is when it comes to her fighting spirit. Wonder Woman literally pulls Superman from a black hole; this is the kind of AWESOME moment where kids can see such a powerful character use her strength to save the day.

Wonder Woman and Beyond
Wonder Woman is a wonderful character, and her appearances in many different mediums are a great way to introduce our kids to many other characters, as well. From an early age, my kids have known about Wonder Woman, and seeing her in things like DC Super Hero Girls on TV or in comic books opens their world to super heroes even further. So, now, my kids adore characters like Supergirl, Primer, or Raven or Beast Boy from Teen Titans Go! It’s a never-ending supply of fun and inspiring characters, so diving into Wonder Woman while celebrating her 80th anniversary is a perfect excuse to see how this unstoppable force has wielded power for so long.
Do you have a favorite way to explore Wonder Woman with your kids? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Also, if you want to see more content like this, don’t forget to like and share this article over on Facebook and Twitter with all of your geeky friends.
Until next time, happy parenting and happy geeking.