Saturday at San Diego Comic-Con has not changed in terms of its amazing content and scope, despite the change to a total virtual presence for Comic-Con@Home. We’re going to dive into some geeky goodness for you and your kids to enjoy, including inside looks into drawing, video games, and so much more. The toughest part will be deciding which panels to watch live.
If you’re looking for panels for Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, check out our Geeky Parent Guide to SDCC 2020, Part 1 (Wednesday and Thursday) and Part 2 (Friday). Now, let’s get to the Saturday events you and your family can watch together.

Narrative Design for Computer Games
Time: 10 – 11 A.M.
Are computer games some of your favorite things? Listen to industry professionals “break down how narratives are crafted and executed in the gaming industry.” Moderated by Jana Hallford (Swords & Circuitry: A Designer’s Guide to Computer Role-Playing Games), panelists include Neal Hallford (Betrayal at Krondor), Haris Orkin (Call of Juarez), Anne Toole (Horizon Zero Dawn), and Xalavier Nelson, Jr. (We Are the Caretakers).
Watch this panel live here.
Tantalizing Tips
Time: 10 – 11 A.M.
“Make up effects artist Jeff Barkley explains the differences in pointed ears and ear tips and shows you how to apply 2 different kinds of tips. He is joined by professional cosplayers Trey Barkley and Enasni.”
Watch this panel live here.
Warner Archives Secret Origins of Saturday Morning Cartoons
Time: 10 – 11 A.M.
If you grew up on Saturday morning cartoons, you might love discovering where it all started, along with a “grand history of the evolution of animation–from silver screen shorts to full-fledged television cartoons.”
Keep tabs on the Comic-Con YouTube page to watch this panel.
Back to the Moon and Beyond with NASA
Time: 11 A.M. – 12 P.M.
“Space: the final frontier.” That phrase never gets old, and neither does learning about future NASA missions. Listen to NASA astronauts and technology experts as NASA continues their efforts to send people to the Moon and beyond.
This panel is hosted by legend William Shatner.
Watch this panel live here.
Eye of Newt and Wool of Bat: The Science Behind Magic, Potions, and Spells
Time: 11 A.M. – 12 P.M.
“Naturopathic doctor DeJarra Sims will walk you through nature’s real-life tinctures for healing, sleeping, wit-sharpening, and love, and explain the science behind their effects. Introduced by Fast Company’s Susan Karlin.”
Watch this panel live here.
Giving a Voice to Independent Creators
Time: 11 A.M. – 12 P.M.
If you have an interest in creating stories that are more relatable, then explore this panel with a wide array of creators “for a discussion about creating comics outside the mainstream and tips on exactly how to do it.” Moderated by Fanbase Press Editori-in-Chief Barbra Dillon.
Watch this panel live here.
The Art of Adapting Comics to the Screen: David S. Goyer Q&A
Time: 11 A.M. – 12 P.M.
Are you a fan of Blade, Batman Begins, Constantine (TV), or Man of Steel? Well, the writer of those stories, David S. Goyer, “discusses his creative writing process and what it took to bring characters and tales from the pages to the to the screen.”
Keep tabs on the Comic-Con YouTube page to watch this panel.
Constantine: 15th Anniversary Reunion
Time: 12 – 1 P.M.
Fans of Keanu Reeves rejoice. He and producer Akiva Goldsman discuss the 15th anniversary of the cult classic, Constantine (2005). This discussion is moderated by Steven Weintraub (editor-in-chief, Collider).
Watch this panel live here.

Disney+’s Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe
Time: 12 – 1 P.M.
Phineas and Ferb fans will get to listen to creators of the series discuss the upcoming movie and the “origins of this iconic animated series.”
Watch this panel live here.
Diversity and Comics: Why Inclusion and Visibility Matter
Time: 12 – 1 P.M.
This panel will discuss the importance of change needed in this country, with “an award-winning panel together to challenge ongoing issues and push the conversation forward,” as they share why diversity in comics and films is necessary to “reflect the world in which we all live.”
Watch this panel live here.
Women of Color in Comics: Race, Gender, and the Comic Book Medium
Time: 12 – 1 P.M.
This panel discusses the current state of comic books and how it’s been impact by social injustice and the pandemic. “The Women in Comics Collective International is an organization that focuses on the merit and craftwork of Women and Non-Binary People working in the comic book industry. They host comic book education events across the country, including their own convention, Women in Comics Con.”
Watch this panel live here.
Guillermo del Toro and Scott Cooper on Antlers and Filmmaking
Time: 1 – 2 P.M.
Keep tabs on the Comic-Con YouTube page to watch this panel.
Latinx & Native American Storytellers
Time: 1 – 2 P.M.
Moderator Henry Barajas will be joined by creators and academics to discuss prior stories, while also what lies ahead “for the stories told by Indigenous creators and the creators who are children of immigrants.”
Watch this panel live here.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Future is Now
Time: 1 – 2 P.M.
My kids are currently on a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers kick, so if your kids are like mine, they’ll want to see where this franchise is headed in the comic book medium.
Watch the panel live here.
Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious Panel
Time: 2 – 3 P.M.
The creation of the upcoming Doctor Who story (September 2020) will be “told across comics, novels, audio, vinyl and digital!” You get a behind-the-scenes look with creators as they discuss such a grand story reaching over twelve weeks.
Watch this panel live here.
IDW in 2020 and Beyond
Time: 2 – 3 P.M.
If your kiddos are a fan of My Little Pony, Transformers, GLOW, Duck Tales, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, then this is your panel to watch. Listen to all of the new stories being published by IDW.
Watch this panel live here.
Mexico’s Magnificent Stop-Motion Seven
Time: 2 – 3 P.M.
Under the tutelage Academy Award winner Guillermo del Toro, “meet the masters of stop motion who have conquered 13 Ariel Awards for animation in 20 years and more around the world.”
Watch this panel live here.
Women Rocking Hollywood 2020: Supporting Female-Helmed Film and TV
Time: 2 – 3 P.M.
This panel will provide parents and kids a better understanding of why women in film is an important step for creating equal opportunities for everyone, and “and how fans can make a difference.”
Watch this panel live here.
Bill & Ted Face the Music
Time: 3 – 4 P.M.
Kick up that nostalgic vibe as the cast of Bill & Ted franchise, including Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter, gather to discuss the upcoming third film in the series.
This panel is moderated by popular filmmaker Kevin Smith.
Watch this panel live here.
Outta This World with DMC: Darrel Makes Comics and Friends
Time: 4 – 5 PM
Legendary DMC Darryl McDaniels is joined by writer Amy Chu (Red Sonja/Poison Ivy) and creator Larry Hama (Wolverine/G.I. Joe) as they will discuss their new upcoming project – Outta This World – which includes “the award-winning artist Rob Guillory.”
Watching this panel live here.
Learning Through Role-Playing Games
Time: 4 – 5 P.M.
“Members of The Game Academy, a 501c3 educational non-profit organization, will show clips from and talk about a language arts tabletop role-playing game as an example of how teachers and parents can use RPGs for different scholastic subjects as well as social-emotional learning (SEL), while having fun!”
Watch this panel live here.
Mexican Lucha Libre: History, Tradition, Legacy
Time: 5 – 6 P.M.
Professional wrestling fans will get a chance to learn about the history and future of the Mexican Lucha Libre, including guest Rey Mysterio, which has had “a huge impact in Mexican popular culture and beyond, including films, comics, cartoons, television programs, toys, etc.”
Watch this panel live here.
How to (Still) Be A Nerd for a Living
Time: 6 – 7 P.M.
For creatives looking for advice on dealing with continuing their craft in the midst of a pandemic, panelists will share advice on what their paths look like today. This panel includes Wendy Buske (co-founder of Nerd For A Living), Jazzlyn Stone (freelance comics marketer), Chris Sanchez (editor-in-chief Mad Cave Studios), Valentine Barker (freelance illustrator), and Robyn Warren (founder Geek Girl Strong).
Watch this panel live here.
Are you looking forward to a specific SDCC panel from Saturday? Share with us what you want to see most in the comments below. If you want to see more available events for Saturday, check out their programming schedule for the entire lineup. Stay tuned for Part 4 of our coverage, which covers the final day of San Diego Comic-Con 2020.
Until next time, happy parenting and happy geeking.