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3 Comics You Can’t Miss! 3/28/12 Advance Comics Reviews

Avengers 24.1Fanboy Comics Contributor Jason Enright brings you his top comic book picks for the week.



Avengers 24.1
by Brian Michael Bendis, Brandon Peterson, and Sonia Oback

This is a big week for Marvel with their big Avengers VS. X-Men event starting with its 0 issue, but, in all the excitement, don’t miss this awesome Avengers one shot. This issue deals with the emotional return of the Avengers’ robot teammate, the Vision. I always love the Vision, because he seems to be the most emotional member of the team, and he’s not even a real person, he’s a robot. Yet, in this issue we see him deal with anger, depression, hatred, shock, and forgiveness. Bendis writes some great moments for the Vision in this book, and he really portrays Iron Man, Captain America, and She-Hulk well. He only fell flat with his portrayal of Magneto, who comes off like the villain he was a few years ago, not the repentant, older, and calmer man we often see in the X books. Brandon Peterson’s art is somewhat inconsistent, too. His style works great for the costumed characters, he seems to do very well when a character’s features are partially obscured, but his scenes with Magneto and Tony Stark make Tony look too old and Magneto just looks silly. Even despite a few flaws, this book tells a wonderfully small story of the Vision trying to deal with the emotional fallout of his own death and rebirth, and serves as a nice lead in to the big event books coming our way.

Flash #7
by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato

These guys continue to put out the most visually amazing comic book that hits the stands each month. There is just no other book that looks and reads the way the Flash does. They seamlessly blend their art and storytelling and manage to convey the speed at which the Flash moves, thinks, and kicks butt. My favorite part of this title is that they don’t shy away from the fact that Flash is a scientist. He solves his problems and beats his villains, because he is smart. Of course, being superfast helps, but it is mostly because he is smart. He’ll even talk to his villains and find out why they are being jerks. Whether you want to be blown away by the best art that comics have to offer, or just want to read about an awesome superhero full of heart and plenty of brain power, then this is the pick for you.

New Deadwardians #1
by Dan Abnett and I.N.J. Culbard

Vertigo continues to release cool new series, and this week they give us the cool, new mystery series, the New Deadwardians. The coolest thing about new books is when they build a new world, and this book is slowly revealing a really cool setting filled with vampires and zombies. What’s nice about it, though, is that it is not your typical horror fare; it’s actually a slow burn mystery. For the first few pages, I wasn’t hot on the art style and coloring, but as the story unfolded, I realized the art was actually very fitting for the world. Honestly, if you are a fan of vampire or zombie books, this probably isn’t the book for you, but if you love a good mystery, then try this one out.



Jason Enright, Fanbase Press Senior Contributor


  Favorite Superhero: Cyclops Favorite Animal: Anklyosaurus Favorite Game: Pathfinder RPG


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